Sunday, January 22, 2006
@9:41 PM

Another great outing with dearest cousins. Simply lurve every outing we have together... those without our parents, just the youngsters (but actually I enjoy every gathering that we have, even with our parents). Went for another round of buffet at Sakura International. So i got to savour many many more rounds of sushi and durian puffs. We then headed for East Coast to bowl with our full stomaches but no long after we got hungry and headed to McDonalds. *eerr don't think my PT will be happy seeing such a record in my food log but I don't care. I guess at times I have to pamper myself with food!! ;p
I'm glad we cousins have such strong bond with one another. They can be another form of therapy for my dying soul, if I ever had to experience that. They are also one of those bunch of people whom I always look forward meeting up with.
We, the grandchildren of the Karap bin Sukaimi
Pledge ourselves as one united family
Regardless of age, gender or status
To build a stronger future generation
Based on care and concern for one another
So as to achieve happiness, properity and progress for the family
** Eerr crappy entry ah
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
@7:04 PM
Haven't been in the mood for work what more to contribute a lengthy entry to my blog. School has started for nearly three weeks and I'm still in the holiday mood. Over with the new year holiday, had an enjoyable Hari Raya Haji and now looking forward to the long weekend during Chinese New Year!! Any other holidays coming??!! Hope I can make it to the 2/7 gathering. really missing the Crescent days. Indeed the funnest time of my life!
My newest short term resolution; to get started with my assigments! And hopefully be able to make even prettier my Dip Ed certificate. So that'll depend greatly on my practicum comes February. Hope I'll get back to Chongfu Pri. At least I've build up good rapport with some of the teachers there. That will certainly be of great help during practicum.
Anyway yippee!! Azrifah's now in the league of California Fitness goers as of yesterday! What a joy!! Greatly enjoying this new pastime. At least. besides meeting Anisa in school, I get to hang out with her at the gym too, meet Ain on a regular basis and now Azrifah too!
"Happy happy happy happy happy with mum and dad and all my friends......."
Quite looking forward to every gym session. I'm no longer working out for any other people but solely for myself... and I'm loving it! Haha yes Azah getting herself into this fitness regime.. who would ever thought right?! Whatever the reason that got me started doesn't matter any longer... the most important thing is I'm glad I did.
Anyone wishing to embark on this fitness journey too?!!
Friday, January 06, 2006
@2:01 AM
Of the many brittle spider webs that I entwine
Are hopes and thoughts that I dream
In my infinite mind
That carries such poise
Do I really understand what I believe?
Of the imagination I possess
Are dreams and hopes that I envision
Of my daily disappointments
I discover something new
But do I really understand what I learn?
Of my deepest desires and aspirations
Are the deepest feelings and needs
And in my pleading heart
Is the truth, but
Do I really know what I want?
When the white blissful fear encounters me
I want to run and hide from it
And when it passes
When I come out of hiding
Do I understand what I’m afraid of?
When happiness and pleasures engulf me
And that feeling in my stomach occurs
The crinkles in my eyes are more visible
And the walls behind my eyes come down
But do I know why this happiness transpires?
When my mind is not so clear
And thinking is hard
The lack of the transparent thoughts
Leaves me baffled and befuddle
But do I know what my confusion is?
My life is a roller coaster
As I ascend and descend
Everyday is just another ride
On the roller coaster of life
And of the things that I feel
I hope that I know who I am
Know who I was
And what I might become
When fear overcomes me
I hope I know what fear is
And when things are not clear
I hope I know my confusion
I hope everyday will be different
Experience new things and feelings
Thursday, January 05, 2006
@6:35 AM
2005 had passed us by. An eventful year indeed for me. Full of its ups and downs. Happy and sad moments... a roller coaster ride, one of its kind. But I welcome 2006 with open arms. I shall embrace this new year with new spirits, new determination, new goals.... but in some ways, I will still remain the same me.
A belated new year wish to one and all. My blog is getting sparse now. What more with the new term starting, I don't think I will have the energy to put in my entries frequently. Anyway the pass week was another eventful one.Celebrated sister's birthday at Sakura International Buffet at Downtown East with extended family. It's a yearly thing cause Paman Li also shares the same birthdate (28th Dec) and so we usually go out for family dinner to celebrate. The spread was great!! Mainly because they offer sushi and I had lotsa of that of course!! And the dessert corner was superb... they had a variety of chesscakes and the durian puff was aaaahhh I can taste it in my mouth now.So I recommend you the place to dine in with your family and friends.Last weekend also marks the ending of bachelorhood for another cousin of mine. Oklah more accurately cousin -in-law her sister married my cousin but our families have build such close rapport to make her a close cousin of mine. And for her wedding I was given the honour of becoming her bridesmaid!!! Totally new experience but it was fun. Partly because I could escape the rewang at the back since my uncle was cooking for the wedding hehe. Ya found out that she got married to a distant cousin of my dad's. What a small world.
So to Munira dan Dani, semoga mahligai yang dibina berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat insyaAllah.Anyone else wants me to be her bridesmaid?!I have another cousin getting married this coming weekend yes another one, the last of the three cousins getting married this past two months. Ni confirm rewang maut.And just to mark the end of my long holiday, I went to conquer the Tree Top Walk at McRithcie with my ACJC mates, Melati, Huda and her sister. A good morning workout for all us, having to walk more than 10km and getting our shoes and dirty and muddy due to the heavy downpour the night before. The view from the bridge was breathtaking and the wind was simply refreshing. There was quite a crowd but one thing we all noticed was we were the only Malays! Took a lot of pictures during our trail and we had a good time. So Ain if you wana go still I don't mind making the second trip down ya!