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Friday, September 05, 2008
@11:08 PM

Aaawwww.. Ok I FINALLY completed the Cruel Love series. Nope, I have not finished setting my science paper but instead I just had to relent to my urge of completing this series first... if not cannot concentrate on anything else before I know the ending. It's a very torturous feeling you know.

At least after this, I know I have no other distractions and I can give my 101% on the supposedly more important things.

Blame me for not knowing how to prioritise... but in this case, my priorities just go a little haywire.

Here's a sneak preview of Cruel Love for you... you're allowed to drool over my heart throb Kwon Sang Woo ya!

Thursday, September 04, 2008
@10:27 PM

Hello people.. I know my blog has been accumulating dust yet again. Hardly any time to be ranting away and also because it just takes too much effort to put all my thoughts to words.

So how's Ramadhan so far? Hope it has been good. Alhamdulillah for me. So far it's been good. It helps a lot too that the first week coincides with the September school holidays. So I get to rest my voice and save myself from walking up and down the stairs from class to class. Just hope that the body has gotten used to fasting when I'm back teaching next week.

As usual holiday is not a total break from work. I may not need to go to school everyday but even so I have been desk bound at home. Trying to set the P5 SA2 Science paper due mid of next week and not yet started on the lesson observation preparation by the VP next tuesday. Oh well I have always been the procasinator when it comes to work and this time is no different. Last minute always works best for me I guess.

Guiltily, the first few days of the hols have been spend, yes desk bound, but more precisely bounded to the DVD player. Well it's time to catch up on my Korean dramas after a month of discipline ( I was a coldturkey ok!) It's Kwon Sang Woo again! Remember the hero from Winter Sonata and Stairway to Heave. He who is like Rosyam Nor of the Korean dramas. He just makes me cry la ok! So you should catch Cruel Love too. I still have 1.5 cds more to complete and I'm trying to refrain myself from touching the DVD player till I complete setting the MCQ questions at least. I forsee no sleep again for tonight.

By the way, this Ramadhan also brought back a lot of memories of last year's. It's been a year since you left. You would have celebrated your 26th birthday yesterday and I remembered the Sakura buffet we had together with Dja and Hafiz. May you be among the best people always. Amin.

To all of you.... Selamat berpuasa ye! Semoga Ramadhan tahun ini lebih baik daripada Ramadhan yand sebelumnya.
Till we meet again... somewhere, someday.
Please take care.

"Cinta tak semesti pada manusia,tapi cinta pada illahi itu yang utama..kerna ku pasti cinta dari Allah tiada akhirnya."


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20th June, gemini

Self-Discovery and Self-Developing

Wants to make everday a meaningful learning experience

Dreams to travel around the world

Up for any kind of adventure

Loves her family and friends,(window)shopping, music, art, piano, adventures, children