Friday, April 27, 2007
@11:25 PM
Before I could surface to breathe.... I am drowning in my pile of work again.
I had to desperately request for a relief for today's M-Power class. I wished I could be out partying instead but no.. I was still trapped in school, buckled to my seat, glued to the laptop just struggling to complete the holistic report remarks for my class.
Sadly, I didn't get to complete the task. I had just 5 pupils left but the auntie was already frantically chasing us out on the dot at 9 p.m. For those non-teachers out there who find it amusing that we work till that late, it is a normal scene to be in school from morning till the gate closes. I sometimes wish that I can just camp there! Saves me all the hassle of travelling home. Afterall it's pretty much just to sleep. They just need to construct toilets in the staffrm and whoala! the staffroom becomes the most conducive place to work in even with the security alarms activated. I'm already equipped with my pillow, snacks and music to keep me going all night long.
And so Sa1 unofficially already begun with oral which started last Monday. A week more to go to the written paper and the teachers are also hit by the exam fever.
1) Rushing to complete the syllabus and revise for the exam
2) Clearing the stacks of marking for the pupils to bring home to revise
3) Typing in reports and remarks for the pupils' holistic report cards
4) .............................................................
100) Periodically checking on our sanity level
And in the midst of all the hecticness, I'm already hearing plans of going on holidays this coming June. Not that long a break granted this time with the official opening preparations for the big day on 07/07/07. I have lots of plans listed, but which one will happen is still unknown yet. Just hoping that the one on the top of my list is granted InsyaAllah.
Sometimes, I'm amazed at the amount of work teachers can juggle. We are such supercreatures! Many would have crumbled after being in this job for a few years. I really salute all those teachers who have clinched their long service award.... hopefully I'll achieved mine too! Surely I'm in this job because He knows that I am capable of juggling it. Whether I work smartly or not, I don't know. So long as I still feel the satisfaction after a long tiring day, I'm contented.
Anyway Azlynna, I saw Susan leaving school with another guy just now. It wasn't Mike. He has been waiting for her behind outside the staffroom from 7 till she left at 9. Hhmmm I don't wish to intrude much into the love triangle? square or perhaps even a hexagon... but all I know is I share Helen's pain and hurt over Mike's decision. *How could Mike do that to her!!!!* I can't help but notice them even more in school now.....*bblleeaarrgghh* Ok maybe I'm being a little prejudice here. Afterall I only heard one side of the story. Whatever it is, Mike is still my colleague. We've been working closely together and he has been nice and still prefer him to remain that way in my eyes. I should and will not let this change totally the good impression I have of him.
Oh well the circle of life.What goes around, comes around.
Ok enough said. I should be marking rather than ranting away here. Or sleep the very least.... and that's just what I want to do next *yawn...*
Sunday, April 22, 2007
@11:32 PM
I can feel this tingle of elation in me and I am not quite sure why.... ;p
By the way... the few Fuchunians went down to Joyce's chalet today to celebrate in advance Lena's birthday. Despite the extended invitation, only the few 6 of us made it today. Just the exclusive 6 of us beginning teachers..... which I suppose made it all the more fun....chatting, taking lots of photos and chilling out.
Here are some photos to share....

Despite our mounting workload, neverending markings, endless duties on top of other personal problems and sorrows that each of us face, we have stood by one another through this challenging journey.
Thank you for keeping me sane, for lifting me up when I was down, for the undying encouragement to pull myself together in facing all the obstacles.
And of course for being one of the reasons I look forward to school.......
Thanks peeps for always being there for me. And I hope I have been able to provide with you guys with the same strength too... if not more.
And to my other buddies like Ain, Azrifah (I still havent pay you my second visit), Aisha, Kak Mus and Anisa, whom I havent met up with for a long time, you are never forgotten. Do know that I'm here praying for your eternal happiness too ya! We'll meet up someday soon insyaAllah.
I'm feeling good tonight :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
@4:15 PM
I'm in love with this brand mu. I'm given no commision for advertising them on my blog.... but I thought I should share this new love of mine with all of you! Must share good things mah!
Anyway it's located at
#04-08 B/C The Heeren
I bought my third piece today and I so love many of their things. But just let me warn you that their clothes are out of the norm. Lopsided sleeves and buttons, asymetrical tops and bottoms... yet the design still looks simple and that is what I can call fashion!
Ya ya of course you might end up being called spastic just because it might look like you've missed a buttonhole or something (RIGHT AZLYNNA??! -_-) or on the other end you might get comments that it looks like designer clothes (OH YES I SO AGREE WITH YOU ARYANE :)) Whichever end the comments fall, can I state it again, I simply love their clothes! This shop has become my must-go each time I step into town.
But of course I will have to improvise my own style of wearing them but that's no problem at all. So you people must go check out the shop too ok! It's very near the escalator.... on the 4th floor of Heerens!!
I shall not reveal my new top here. Let's see whether Azlynna will give the same comment :p
Anyway my main purpose of going down to town was actually to support 'The Pink Charity Bazaar right in front of Ngee Ann City'. It was organised in support of the Breast Cancer Foundation. I was there just in time to catch the performance by the Police Combo Band. They were really good and entertaining I must say. Gona miss attending their performances since Abah has already retired from the force. Actually another reason why I was there was to see how my stall sign board looks hanging up there.
Kak Rossuita ( my school clerk who also happens to be my dad's ex-colleague's wife) approached me to help her with the sign board. I must admit that last week was a pretty busy week but I didn't have the heart to turn down her request. Firstly because it was for charity and secondly it's something that I enjoy doing! So last Wednesday night I slogged through the night to get it done. Boy can I actually stay up will about 3am to complete it all. My mum was commenting, "Kalau mark buku, 10 minit je dah ngantuk nak tidur. Buat benda macam gini terbeliak mata!" (which translates to if I was marking my books, I would be going off to sleep in 10 minutes yet I can be so wide awake doing these sort of things). How true. The rubbish answers and atrocious handwriting of some of my pupils just turns me off.

So here's the product... nice? Quite satisfied with it.... and it's in all shades of pink seh how can I not love it! Hopefully the stall manage to win the best stall award.
Friday, April 20, 2007
@10:48 PM
This past week I have been thinking alot (well more at least) about my life.
.....Alhamdulillah, I have achieved many great things; I've got through my education without much hiccups, settling well into my job, owe my own car... eerr what else can I list down? Seems like not that many great things afterall.
Or perhaps I'm just listing the materialistic part of it.... but then again, is there any other things worth mentioning? I don't know really.
Maybe because I'm suddenly feeling this heavy but empty feeling in me. It's like feeling love and hatred at the same time at myself. Being overwhelmed with work can sometimes just make me unconscious to my surroundings and not able to get in touch with my own feelings and thoughts.
Definitely, there are a lot more things that I wish to achieve. Not that I'm a high flyer. Many of these things might be simple things that many have been doing but I haven't been granted the freedom or chance to do. Some are hindered because I care too much about offending others. I was scared to trigger the anger button, I was terrified over people being displeased with me. It hard to describe these feelings.
I wonder for a moment how it was like to lose control of myself and self meaning, break lose and go against all boundaries.....
Or am I behaving just like the elephant?
But then again, it always comes back to the idea of what's wrong with making others happy? Especially when they mean so much to me? Although all these while I may not have shown that much outwardly affection and care towards them? I'm just the girl who rather hides her true emotions behind her laughters and smiles. I would rather just stay silent that to go against their words. But is retaliating silently inside just as bad?
I don't know.
Seriously, I hate thinking about it.... it just makes me hate growing up. To grow up yet not being able to think for myself. Not being able to distiguish what's right and what's wrong.
But then again who defines the right between the wrong??
For a moment of rarity, I wasn't one with ME.
All the materialistic ideals are definitely all that matters but more importantly...
The special feeling that makes you feel all warm and wonderful.
Treating others as well as you would like to be treated.
To be grateful for all the good things that life has to offer.
The full enjoyment of each moment. A smiling face!
The ability to let things be without anger.
The joy of giving without thought of receiving.
The quality of always telling the truth.
The purity of doing what’s right, no matter what.
The essence of feeling another’s pain, while easing their hurt.
The reward for living the 10 Most Important Things.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
@9:31 PM
Still unpacked and not mentally ready to wake up as early as 5 tomorrow.
Meeting point: Pantai Lido at 6.30am
Freaking early and now I'm just feeling drained out of energy with aching arms.
Yessah! It happened! We did go kayaking just now at East Coast. Hafeez, Farid, Lena and I. Too bad Joyce was itching to perm her hair instead. You missed all the fun!
Anyway it was a great kayaking adventure. A great way to spend the afternoon basking in the sun, in the midst of the vast ocean. Perfect way to destress with the wind blowing in the hair (and through my tudung) and getting ourselves saltishly wet.
But I must say, the rowing back part was a challenge. Just chilling under the sun, away by the waves, we did not realise that our kayaks got drifted so far away. It was really tough going against the wave to finally reach the shore after almost half and hour. Many things went through my mind as the sea got choppier and Lena and Hafeez were left very far behind. It comes to the state that all I want to do is reach to the shore safely fast so that I could send for help if any of them needs it.
Yes I was feeling a little scared as I braved through the waves and even Farid who was initially kayaking nearby me has drifted far off. Apparently that boy got attracted to a school of jumping fishes and so diverted further away... perhaps he was just hallucinating cause he didn't get to see any up close.
But hey all are safe and happy after a good meal at the nearby food centre.
That was indeed a fun destressing session. Let's have another one when Kat recovers ok?!
Now the most important question is: Will my parents trust me to drive my new car alone up Port Dickson? Well I am not sure myself but I want to try... please....
@10:27 AM
Hurrah to the upcoming long weekend! Actually for the Fuchunians the weekend kind of starts today. It's PLAY DAY V1.07 today. Our own version of the conventional Sports Day whereby you get to see only a few pupils running around the stadium.
This year, we decided to include every pupil in the game. So we have interclass floorball, captain's ball, ultimate frisbee and also telematches. In this way, none of the pupils will feel left out. Isn't that great? But at the same time, it doesn't quite feel like Sports Day without the 100m (and the others alike) race and relays.
Sorry no photos to show off since I did not have my camera with me today. Now I'm just blogging away while taking a short break from my shift.
By the way, an unfortunate event had befell a colleague of mine yesterday. And I'm really hoping that she's feeling better now although I know I'm sure she's in greater pain today once the the bruises start appearing. I'm just glad I managed to do her the favour of bringing her over the causeway to the safe hands of her family, oklah perhaps at the expense of Farid's rest and car (just because my dad don't trust me to drive over to JB alone! :( ) So Kat, have a good rest at home and don't move around too much ya!
And early tomorrow morning, I'll be setting off to Port Dickson with cousins and sister!! Another HURRAH!! Still have not decided whether I should drive since I will not be assisted by another co-driver in the car, but can I be allowed the adventure please, Mak? A short getaway and this time, I'm not going to bring too much of my marking over (can't afford to leave them totally behind). And I'm hoping to try out the water sports there!!
And I have to declare my deepest and sincerest apologies to Ain and Pah especially because I am not able to attend Pah's sister wedding this weekend. I know I've broken my promise to babysit Little Rehan ( I really would love too!!). But I'll come down to visit you soon k Little Rehan!
So dearest colleagues.. where are we going after Play Day? Shall we go kayaking at East Coast since we are all already in our sporty attire?! Confirm soon ok!