Sunday, May 27, 2007
@5:31 PM
I've been wanting to put up this entry.. but time just did not permit. Even now, I'm stealing time while folding the laundry and anticipating a shout out from my mum to help her in the kitchen. So we shall make this short and sweet. So last Thursday, Fuchun Pri celebrated Earth Day by having a fashion parade. Being the second last day of the term, most of the pupils were in much hype and spirit to put in their best to come up with a costume for their class, all made of recycled materials.I was no exception. I really wanted to take this chance to let the class show their unity and togetherness. I was determined to contribute to our class costume to make sure that we would make an uproar impression on stage. But well.. it was all just a plan. All because I did not anticipate having so much administrative work to be completed before the term ended. So after much deliberation, my class' costume was still just a bare top and a skirt which was contributed by 2 of the pupils, Yew Ting and Safiyyah. So just the day before the competition, I made another plea to the class *which apparently worked!* to go home and make some simple accessories for our class rep to wear, so that she will look more presentable. By then, winning was no longer my main concern. I just wanted Safiyyah, who was representating the class, to feel good modelling the costume up on stage. And whoala!! The very next day, Bryan and Eik Joo came up with wonderful stuff!! A pair of magnificient-looking wings and a wand respectively. All the moodiness that I was feeling earlier part of the day *refer to blog below* gone and I was again excited about the parade.P3A definitely deserved to win the first prize... just look at their elaborate costume! And my class won third. I was really proud of them. It is totally the class' effort.
The class in celebration!
Calvin Klein, Guess, Prada.. whatever.. you name it!
Our very own Tyra Banks
But once we got back to class.... it was back to serious stuff again. I was back to my bad mood... simply because they just can't follow simple instructions and I was running out of time to complete many things * sorry kids :(*
Thursday, May 24, 2007
@7:52 AM
In school as early at 7 two days in a row...... I'm all sleepy.
Just read something.. and it's not making me feel any better, just much worse.
I wish I can be invinsible...
Don't talk to me ok!
@12:31 AM
Again today, I'm not one with my feelings.
Suddenly I'm scared to feel.
I'm scared to hope.
I want to go back into hiatus.
I wish to eliminate all that's inside me
my thoughts, my wishes, my feelings.....
Just because I do not want to have to know that it's all a mistake.
I'm feeling like this more often now.
In a way, I'm wishing my thoughts are carefree once again......
It's not a nice feeling when the mind and the heart start colliding :(
Monday, May 21, 2007
@10:42 PM
After much contemplation......
I completed it and gave it to the intended.
Nothing too sophisticated, just something I enjoyed doing, and pretty much satisfied with the end result.
And with that, I think I've reached my limit.
I have done enough.
Now I will just sit around.
Let's just wait and see.
IT'S HUNG!! :)
Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful.....
Thursday, May 17, 2007
@11:13 PM
Al-Fateha to our dearest friend, Rohaizam Bin Tumadi who has returned to HIM on 15th May due to a mishap up on Mt Ophir. It was definitely a shocking news to many of us.
I may not have taken the effort to know him very well. But his performing talents and wittiness cannot go unnoticed during our short 3-weeks YEP trip to India back in 2004. And last year, we were also tutoring at Greenridge Primary together for Mendaki classes. He may not be in my list of close friends, but his departure has left a great impact on me.
Our death is unknown. When it's time to go, we will return to whom we came from, alone. Am I prepared for my fateful day?
Now as I look at the India photos hanging on my workspace, I can only offer you my prayers.

May you be placed among the best.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
@10:39 PM
I'm away from school on 2 days mc. I finally had to drag myself to the doctor just to get the mc, not so much to get myself medicated and advised. It's always the same old pills and syrups which I will always not finish anyway. Just a less than 5 minutes chat with the doctor and he's easily earning my hard-earned 30 bucks.
I was deliberating taking the mc actually. Usually I will just survive through the days even with my running nose, cough or even the slight temperature. Ok maybe I'm spreading my germs to my pupils as well, but hey I feel more responsible for them to have a fruitful day in school and to complete the syllabus *well hopefully their time is never wasted during my lessons la*. But since yesterday, I was starting to lose my voice and I practically lost it this morning. So I had to call up the school clerk to report my absence. Even she had trouble figuring out my words!
Finally today after so so long, I get to wake up much later (10am) and even then I had to make a quick trip to school (while everyone else was having contact time) to grab all my work back. At least more time in my hands to catch up and clear more things at home.
Tomorrow will be another break. I better complete all my admin stuff that needs to be done. The deadline's on Friday and there will be too many things to do if I stagger them any longer.
Anyway I'm torn. Too many people are asking me to go on a holiday with them! And how I wish I can go for everyone of them but surely I can't la. So I shall only go for one due to time and financial constraint and of course parental consent.
Eerr whichever I am finally going for *if my parents grant me the consent in the first place*, I hope the other parties will not get offended. I really really would love to go with everyone. I'm torn!! But I think I've made my choice.... and now it's all up to
my parents. Wish me luck!

Anyway here's a couple of photos of Little Rehan whom I mentioned in my previous entry, and of course with Auntie Ain too!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
@8:42 PM
Yay yay I finally paid my overdued visit to see Little Rehan. Managed to slot in some time last Sunday right after tuition with Hakim. Boy~ he's already a big boy. Just four weeks after last visit on his day of birth, he has already undergone a lot of development.
The head's already shaven, he has braved through the pain of being circumcised, he no longer looks that much like Pah, but of his dad and also I can see that he's now thinking very hard of how he can save the world!!
You won't understand that last bit till you visit him for yourself. He often has that 'thinking' look. The frown on his forehead and that intense face as if something is really bugging him. *Must wait for Ain to pass me the photos and I will post them here for you to see*
Well apakan tidak. Little Rehan has been exposed to world news, to the fluctuates of the stocks and shares, to the woes and troubles that the world faces by his grandpa. Haha it was really funny to see how the grandad and grandson bond. But I'm sure, Rehan darling will grow up to be a bright and intelligent boy *Amin*
Looking forward to my next visit! Don't grow up too fast ya... anyway what's the rush. In the meantime, you should just enjoy all the attention everyone is showering you.
Anyway I hope everyone had an enjoyable Labour Day. I would love to have a day of just watching tv and resting at home; better if I don't have to worry about work and markings. But at least I took a short break for myself yesterday. Went across the causeway with the extended family to Pendas for SEAFOOD!!! But I don't quite enjoy yesterday's meal. Our favourite spot was closed for the day so we had to settle for a nearby alternative. Though I didn't quite enjoy the prawns and crabs *oh I must say that I'm crazy over prawns and crabs* the company was great.
A convoy of 6 cars.
Peeking at what's in between the legs....
The adorable youngest member of the troupe. Adlin Afiqa.
Fiqa, giving that undertaker look.
HHmmm come to think of it, it's been a long time since I went out with my paternal cousins. I should organise an outing soon.... Sushi at JB sounds great too!