Wednesday, June 27, 2007
@9:15 PM
Is my mouth smelling of durians again?
Did we just have another round of the pungent fruit?
We are that krazziieee..... YA BOY!
Monday, June 25, 2007
@11:13 PM
It was a good start to the new semester. Kids were pretty well-behaved; and it made me realise how much I miss them. Well afterall they have been quite a great bunch to work with. The first day was already a long day, with night Mendaki class to slog through straight after school ended. The 'Happy Toilet' team decided to work overtime too to start painting the boy's toilet.
So the usual NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK were all still in school when the clock striked 9. And no we did not head home straight even after the many hours in school, instead Joyce suggested having durians at Marsiling. I was looking at the time but at the same time, I couldn't resist the calling to have the king of fruits.
We headed down to S11, bought our loot; each of us even bought some for home and we sat by our cars (Hafeez's and mine) to satisfy our cravings- also to make sure that I don't collect another ticket. Boy were the durians KKRRAAZZIIEEE! Well durians are always krazie to me.
Our first fruit

Just look as Joyce, and you'll taste it in your own mouth.
Finger-licking good

What? No more?? I'll continue at home... there is a bag full in the car boot! Yay!
*And as I'm typing now, I'm smelling my fingers hhhhaaaaa... nice....*
Indeed today was another day well spent.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
@7:40 PM
Many times you've said that it's not easy bringing me up...
It's mutual.
Pleasing you is not easy.
I have been trying and I am still doing it.
But sometimes, our wants just clash.
We do not forsee the same visions.
I really don't want to go against your words but I'm struggling inside.
Have I really been that bad?
Well you made me feel that way.....
It seems like I can never be up to your expectations.
But please know, that I still put you both above anyone else although I may have acted otherwise at times- those are the rare times that I just want to put myself above you.
To my readers: Don't say you understand.... cos you won't.
Well I stood someone up today. And I'm really feeling bad about it. It may not be a big deal.. but still SORRY. You pretty well know how excited I was to fly my kite :(
Written by Matthew Wilder, David Zippel
Look at me, you may think you see
Who I really am
But you'll never know me
Everyday, it's as if I play a part
Now I see, if I wear a mask
I can fool the world
But I can not fool my heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside
I am now, in a world where I
Have to hide my heart
And what I believe in
But somehow, I will show the world
What's inside my heart
And be loved for who I am
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me
Why is my reflection
Someone I don't know
Must I pretend that I'm
Someone else, for all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside
There's a heart that must be free, to fly
That burns, with a need to know
The reason why, why must we all conceal
What we think, how we feel
Must there be a secret me
I'm forced to hide
I won't pretend that I'm
Someone else for all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside...
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside
@12:41 AM
I need to relish this feeling of complete boredom and freedom before I get totally swamped by work. As the school holidays come to an end, so will late nights, late mornings, lazing for hours in front of the computer and closer to the metaphorical home, much less blogging.
I can't really say that this holidays have been very fruitfully spent, but good enough for me to forget work and just let laziness gets the best of me. The past one week saw a purposeful and interactive reunion of my paternal families as we had the 7 days-long tahlil for my late grandpa with sumptuous buffets of potlucks to end each night. Last Wednesday also marked my quarter century old existence on the face of this Earth. And this year, I really feel that age catching up on me- and receiving many presents from my cousins was not something I anticipated and wished for. But thanks a lot. I was really touched.
Anyway we had our Fuchun Family Day today after the Car Rally on Thursday-where I broke many traffic rules. Why are all the fun stuff planned when school is about to reopen? But nevertheless, I had a good time. However today's rock-climbing activity during the family day gave a hard knock on my head. My stamina has run so low that I can't even complete an easy wall. My red mica darling has proven to be detrimental to my physical state- now I'm packaged with flabbier arms, bulging tummy and inflated thighs. So now I really need to get some inspiration from somewhere or someone to get back on the treadmill.
And I have to quietly brace myself for an entirely new semester by Sunday night (the very latest Monday morning). Please do wish me luck as I continue on my crusade to mould young minds and carry books to even the highest classes whenever possible.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
@1:44 AM
7am.. the call from my auntie.
It took quite sometime for me to comprehend the message in between sleep and consciousness. He is gone to leave us all behind.
I still can remember how I use to fear him especially when I have a lose tooth. He makes sure that he extracts it... and he has his own ways. I remember how I find it amusing that he can put his teeth (actually they are just dentures) on his palm and then put them back again in his mouth. He loves to entertain his grandchildren with his magic tricks. Yayi (grandfather) definitely has a colourful personality, even as his state deteriorated.
He was just discharged yesterday after being in and out of the hospital. We were all aware of his state. We were ready. His lungs have failed. He was surviving on tubes. Yayi has gone through so much pain and suffering, it is only best that he returns to where he belongs.
I'm sure he is in a better place now.
All my prayers and thoughts to my paternal grandfather. Hj Karap bin Hj Sukaimi 1920-2007
Now I'm grandparentless.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
@11:38 PM
I got this from Sarah's blog and I thought it's a pretty interesting challenge. Only that I have chosen to name classmates from PRIMARY SCHOOL instead. Since naming all the girls would make this less fun.
Challenge: Can you name 13 of ur classmates in high school (so I've changed to PRIMARY SCHOOL) that u can think of right
off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you’ve written the names of all 13 people.
This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No Cheating!
Now this list is not according to any sort of preference. I'm just trying to make it as random as possible.
1. Ain
2. Irwan
3. Syahidah
4. Azrifah
5. Siti Adilah
6. Ahmad Najib
7. Rennie Iskandar
8. Hamzah
9.. Raihan
10. Farhan P
11. Nadir
12. Mustaqim
13. Farhan S
(Can I name more? I can still name more.....)
What would you do/what would happen if you had never met 1?
It would be like erasing my chronological life history from age 7 till now! Impossible to fathom.Impossible to imagine! It's like having a sister less *kan Ain?*
What would you do if 6 and 2 date?
Haha I think Falah would be greatly disappointed in 2. But then thinking back, maybe they did date each other back in primary school, mostly for soccer games?
Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Pah, after all these years, I can't remember ever seeing you cry. Pah is one very gungho lady!
Do you think 9 is cute?
Cute back in kindergarten. More to pretty now.
How did you get to know 8?
Actually not that close in Qifa. Don't think we were ever in the same class, perhaps only Malay class. But we started communicating more since a few years back.
Would you ever go on a date with 11?
Eerr never crossed my mind. We were classmates already since kindergarten. But I wouldn't mind a free dinner date haha.
What’s 7’s Favorite color?
Not that I want to remember but it's orange.
What would you do if 5 confessed he/she loved you?
I definitely welcome that! I would tell her I love her too!
Fact about 6:
I definitely can still remember the 'silly' things we did back in school together. Nah not typing them here. Thinking about them always makes me shake my head and laugh! Blame it on innocence.
Who is 12 going out with?
Never asked... and he never told me about her. But I'm quite sure there's someone.
What is number 10 to you?
A treasured childhood friend. He was my masak2 kaki! haha
Would you ever live with 13?
We were neighbours... is that counted?
Where does 7 live?
Overlooking Pandan Reservoir.
What do you think about 3?
Branded and high standards.
What’s the best thing about 2?
His camera? Hehe
Who is 11 to you?
Friend... family friend
Favorite Memory with 1?
I share too many pretty memories with this girl. Favourite memories will always be the days we spent in Crescent. 4 years being classmates. Aahh one of the favourites would be us doing the mass malay dance in our kebayas! haha rare chance of us doing that again, kan Ain!
That was a good attempt at recollecting all the memories I had in primary school. Many occurances are still deeply embedded in my mind. It has been 13 years since I parted way with most of you. But hopefully all efforts to gather everyone back will continue on.... well we can always look forward to the next wedding invite to meet up with one another :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
@1:16 PM

Yesterday was a pretty good day... partly because I got to visit lil Rehan and mum again! Rehan definitely got all the attention he deserved cos Auntie Ain, Auntie Kamal and Auntie Ros also came along!

The last time I saw Rehan, he was shaven bald and just look at him now! He already has a thick mane again and looking more like himself (cos now I can't quite figure out whom he look more like... perhaps a little more like the dad). We can now hear him gurgling when we speak to him and he smiles and laughs at our silly attempts to entertain him. And Rehan will always be sweet-smelling even with his dripping 'water battery' (what Kamal calls baby's saliva).

Pah's adorable little boy has definitely grown a lot. But don't grow up too fast ok Rehan....
And Pah, I can see that you have grown a lot too.. (and I'm definitely not talking about size here!). You have indeed learn to juggle your roles excellently..becoming a wonderful mum to lil Rehan and the terrific wifey. May you always be blessed with matrimony bliss and a beautiful motherhood.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
@12:17 PM
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
You have medium extroversion. You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party. Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences. But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."
You have medium conscientiousness. You're generally good at balancing work and play. When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done. But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.
You have high agreeableness. You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly. Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone. You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.
You have low neuroticism. You are very emotionally stable and mentally together. Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly. Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is medium. You are generally broad minded when it come to new things. But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it. You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue. |
The Five Factor Personality TestNow this is what happens when I have too much free time in my hands. A blog entry per day? Not that I have nothing to do, but more like I have the luxury of time to postpone doing them. Typical of me, always putting things to the last minute and getting all my priorities jumbled up. So anyone disagrees with my personality profile above? I don't quite agree with "Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly." I'm one can get greatly affected by a bad experience and becomes very wary and paranoid after that.
If anyone wants to add on to my personality profile, just tag it on the left. I always believe that the people around me would be able to give better judgement about me than I myself.
Friday, June 08, 2007
@2:16 PM
I was reading Ain's last entry. HHmm I alreadt knew all of the facts except for no.5. I suppose 18 years of friendship do kind of make us know each other inside out. Ok, so I'm one of those people listed on Ain's links of friends... and for her I'm doing this, just for kicks.
The rules are: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names, and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says “you are tagged” on their profile and tell them to read your latest blog. -Unquote Here goes..
1) I have this weakness for pretty clothes and shoes. It's ok if they look retarded to some and they don't have to be expensive. And so window shopping is not something I can quite stick to because no matter how broke I am, I can dig deep into my wallet just to make a purchase of something I really like. So in short, I am a SHOPAHOLIC.
2) People often say that I am a very JOVIAL person. Always with smiles and laughter. All I can say to that is, if my smiles and laughter can make someone else's day, then why not?! I rather leave people with that impression that I am a jovial and happy person and that is what I wish to be.
3) Just like Ain, I CAN'T SWIM and like her too, I have attained my bronze cert for swimming. How I got it? Don't ask. I just had to get myself out of the it's-compulsory-if-you-don't-have- atleast-a-bronze swimming lessons. Not that it was so dreadful. I had lotsa fun with the girls but it's more of being in swimsuit and the idea of a group of teenage girls having beginners swimming lessons in a public pool.
4) I'm up for any type of ADVENTURE. To date, the biggest challenge I've put myself to is climbing up Mount Kinabalu. To many, it might have been a relatively easy challenge as compared to overcoming the other mountains, but reaching the Low's Peak was really a great self-achievement for me. My next mountain.... eerrr let me get my stamina back first. Any other form of adventures to recommend me? The tudung is certainly no excuse. And I welcome water sports too so long as the life vest is provided :)
5) Owner of a mica VIOS since 3 months ago. Alhamdulillah I'm enjoying the convenience so far. But of course now must really manage my finances carefully. And therefore fact no 1 has to be of less priority now.
6) I love children especially BABIES!! And would love to have one of my very own too! haha... *so can I have one legal one of my own without having to get married? cos otherwise it might take me too long to have one. I'm definitely not talking about shotgun here.
7) I am quite PARANOID and FICKLE. My stand can be easily swayed by persuasions from close friends and family members. And that's also because I love these people too much to turn down their wishes. So please know that I do love you people that much ok.. although I might not have said it.
8) I love japanese food and seafood but hate cockles, oysters and whatever similar. I love cheesecakes and DURIAN. Hhmm My list of favourite food can go pretty long so I shall end it here.
9) I am SELENGER and very bad at road navigations. And when I say bad, it's really really bad. I also have difficulties figuring out the street directory ;p. I'm sure many would have known this fact about me.
10) I am more than just the 9 things stated above. But since I'm suppose to just state 10 in this list, these are all that I will share. The rest is for me to know for you to find out.
The 5 people that I choose to do this: Anyone who has the time to spare la ya. I shall not impose this on anyone. But hey there's no harm revealing more about yourself right?
Anyway below are some random photos of us at the airport yesterday. Sent Paman Li and family off for their umrah. I was supposed to join them but... Nevermind perhaps it's not my calling yet. Someday insyaAllah.
With 3 of my favourite cousins

Thursday, June 07, 2007
@10:51 PM
I've been staring at this posting page for quite some time. There is so much that I want to write in this entry but yet I don't quite know what to write.
It's funny how I felt such joy and happiness the last three days, that I felt extreme heaviness in me as I go through the custom checkpoint; knowing that the trip was coming to an end and that the company would be greatly missed.
Not that going back to the family is entirely bad * and I was really missing my bed*, but I don't know.....
I definitely had fun. Company was great. Everything went smoothly and I'm just glad that all of us got back safe and sound. I was definitely feeling the pressure of being responsible for the passengers in my car, and Farid leading at the speed of 170km/h wasn't helping at all.
But alhamdulillah...
I would really love to do this again someday... but then again, if I'm granted the chance to.
These are some of the very few photos we took during our short escapade to PD and KL. Too busy having fun that we forgot all about the camera... very bad.
.the ladies with their killer shot.
.the great company i was talking about.
.we strayed away from the rest for hafeez to have his first street hawker food.
.kenny rogers is a must!.

.while waiting for the hot wheels to have their spa bath. look at my eye bags!!!!!!.
The fun and laughters that we had will be deeply embedded in my memories. Once again thank you people for the wonderful time.
I'm missing a particular company. Badly.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
@5:59 PM
I spent the whole of my first week of the school holidays serving my TWA (Teacher's Work Attachment). Just a short 4 days (since Thurs was Vesak day) but it was enough for me to gain much from the experience.
I was attached to NUS museum, which I never knew of its existence despite my three years studying there but am very glad of the discovery, together with Siti Sarah from Greenwood Pri.
Colleagues for a week- Siti Sarah and me!
One very heartwarming experience was interacting with the 3 groups of IMH residents who came to visit the museum. Seeing them, brought about this deep sense of gratitude and thanks to HIM from granting me this strength and sanity to overcome all the challenges in life so far. To HIM I shall reserve my faith.
And just yesterday, I joined Mdm Jawiah and a few of her pupils to do some volunteer work at YMCA. We did tile paintings with the Y-stars members who are basically people who suffers from Down Syndrome. And yet again, it triggered a lot of self-reflection, I'm sure for the pupils too.
Me and Aaron... He's a fan of Aaron Kwok, for the very obvious reason.
Khairulsham and Sufiyan showing off their talents.
What more do I need to complain about? I've been granted with many luxuries in life. I shall not compare myself with those who are more fortunate for then all will never be enough. Indeed everyone has been promised their share of sweetness and bitterness...
Thank you Allah for all that I've become.