Saturday, July 28, 2007
@11:28 PM
I've been complaining a lot to my sister about the state of my body. I've been feeling very lethargic and sleepy no matter how much I rested. And even after the weekends, I don't feel recharged to start the week; and the markings are just endless. I can never clear them cause they just keep coming! Maybe the only solution is just to quit the service (which I'm definitely not thinking about right now).
Anyway after all the plans and intentions to start exercising again, I FINALLY did so today. Hurraahh!! Must thank my brother for insiting me to follow him for a jog. I got myself sweating and stinking again although I just had my bath before I left. But that was a good start. Yishun gym was closed by the time we got there and therefore we had to resort to running around the track ( I actually don't quite fancy running around the track-->boring ) I was telling myself to go slow and steady... and I was doing good, till we got chased out of the stadium. Since I was already in the attire, I thought that we shouldnt waste the night and therefore headed down to the fitness corner near home.
And with that small start, my legs are already aching. Boy, that just shows how I havent worked out for a very long time. My joints are all rusty and it's due time I get them fixed.
Now the important but tough thing is that I must make exercising a routine once again. I slacked when I no longer teach PE this year (it used to be more convenient since I was already in the right attire for school and gym).
I need a motivator. Who or what? The car definitely hasn't been one.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
@3:17 PM
1) I know that I can't make everybody happy and if I can live with it that that some people are not happy so be it lah..
2) Mere good intentions does not is what you eventually do that counts.
3) Recognize those people who think that they are 'the quality control kind of creature' of other people or that they are the best and what they think is all that matters: they are just simply morons, discard them and move on with your life.
4) You have to loose some to win some, can't have it all.
5) When you think choosing is difficult, try having no choice, it's worse.
No worries peeps... just some random thoughts :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
@11:06 PM
It's funny when I think about it; how I behaved more normally and naturally with you only lately. I dared to be more bold and that barrier which I used to put up between us was finally demolished. Even a friend noticed that.
Why after this long? I don't know myself. But better late than never...ya well although it would have been better if it was long ago.
Oh don't be mistaken. It's nothing of what you think it might be :)
Anyway my clique of friends in school has gotten smaller now that Farid and Hafeez have left for NIE. It's gona be much boring la I must admit. Gona miss their crazy antics and humour. But surely I can still depend on the girls for company.
Thanks guys for all the great times spent. We should go kayaking again someday man.
Ok, I shall get back to my marking. It's mounting and I better clear them off. Gosh term 3 has been really crazy and I'm already worn off. I don't even feel recharged after the weekends.
Any remedy for this tired soul?
Anyway below are some photos taken last Friday during our celebration to commemorate Racial Harmony Day. Here's the pretty ladies dressing up for the occassion.
Me with Aunty Joyce in the.... LADIES! muahaha
Exchanging our ethinicity for the dayMs Kang, Ms Azah, Ms See, Ms Chen, Ms Tang and Mrs Tan
Aunty Amelia and Aunty Lena

My darlings

My IM pupils during our Music class- with their form teacher.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
@11:43 PM
I'm kind of nervous about tomorrow. More of scared than excited.
As mentioned in my previous entry, I'll be conducting my community learning observation tomorrow. Surely many would ask what is that all about.
Basically it's just a collaboration between my school with Jurong Primary and Lakeside Primary. I'm representing the P3 level to conduct a lesson which will be broadcasted live to the other two schools. Which means that while I am teaching, the pupils from the other two schools will be watching me from their screens and following my lessons. You know, like those conference mass lecture (haha!) and we will also be interacting and discussion the questions together. Sounds interesting huh!
Hhmm so in other words, if the lesson goes haywire, I'll be doing TRIPLE the damage!! Gee!
I'm just hoping I can have better control of my nerves tomorrow. Well thanks people for putting the faith in me to represent the level, but really as a virgin at this, I can just promise you my best. I've watched Miss Kek and Mrs Tan did theirs and boy, theirs were really interactive and interesting. I'll be doing Maths SAIL lesson (something that can help the pupils solve non-routine problems). Even the class that I'm doing this with (sadly the time doesnt coincide with my form class' lesson) is doing this programme only for the second time. So I really hope that they can remember the routines.
So in order to simmer the tension in me, I shall just regard this like any other lesson observation (but I very well know it's not!) and I have even decided to dress down.
3F, you're the lucky class selected. All I hope is for all of you to be responsive and put on your best behaviour.
Wish me all the best peeps!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
@11:57 PM
BACK FOR GOODHello blogspot land. Oh I'm not dead. I happened to survive my own cremation and now I am back. I've just been so preoccupied with school and stuff. It's been relatively okay. Hectic enough, but still okay.
Oh who am I trying to kid. There was never a moment of boredom ever since the new term started. All scheduled and packed to the point that I'm so bored of the extreme busyness.
Okay, so the much anticipated seventh of the seventh of the seventh is long over. The very special day this year everyone wanted and waited for to do special things in their lives. Like get married, get engaged, get moving, get get my drift. Significant, special and symbolic, the repetitive numbers would hopefully attract all the good and repel the bad, balance out the yings with the yangs and dodge the dodgy...forever after. Yes, I know, we're all superstitious and sentimental like that. But in the spirit of hoping for only the best, I'm all for special numbers and special days. InsyaAllah, it'll bring only blessings to anyone who dares to hope.
Kamal(iah) and Farhan did not missed out on this special date to mark the end of their 7 years courtship to embark on the journey together as husband and wife. Being there early for her solemnization at Fort Canning more than just bring back many sweet memories of our days in the yellow and blue uniform. She is no longer the Kamal, with her short tomboy hair... well now she deserves to be rightfully called Kamaliah.

Just too bad, I can't hang around too long at her wedding to catch up with the other girls because even my school wanted the blessing of the seventh.
So Fuchun Primary School remained brightly lit till late night on 070707 which marked the day we officially opened the school at its new premise. I'm sure everyone enjoyed the night. The food was good, the performance was great and no major hiccups spotted.
Whatever duties and roles we played for the night, boy am I just glad that we can put this aside and now concentrate more on our job, teaching.
Got this from Joyce's blog... just some pictures which we took before the night started.And of course the Hajjah Amnah clan also could not rest for continuous weekends as we were booked to render our services for weddings.

Finally.... I can breathe a little this weekend. Well there's still the learning community lesson to prepare for. I'll tell you more about it when the day is over alright?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
@4:49 PM
life is all about choices
you are sad because you chose to
you are happy because you chose to
you are lonely because you chose to
you are fulfilled because you chose to
you're stressed out because you chose to
you're relaxed because you chose to
everything is about what you decide to do,
what you chose to think,
what you chose to feel,
what you chose to do,
it's all about choices..
oh well...
nothing forever stays
nothing forever gone
isn't it?