Monday, February 25, 2008
@5:30 PM
My brain is in snooze mode. I'm just stoning here in the midst of my messy workspace; hoping that blogging can somewhat trigger the alert button. I should be making my way home now but I thought I just want to leave a piece of my mind here a little.
Just ended the centralised marking for the morning's English paper. And it got me worried... how are my pupils going to cope with the remaining papers. The first one isn't very well done. I was hoping that being in the foundation class could help them to start passing their exams but it doesn't look like it. They are weak.. really really weak. I know I cannot do miracles neither am I expecting them to perform miracles. At this point of time, my target for them is not to even pass their foundation papers but they must at least make an improvement from last year's grades. Fair enough?
Anyway I finally watch PS I LOVE YOU on Saturday night with adik2 and Miss Raihan... yes finally. Now Raihan knows how gembeng I can be ( and I was already trying to control my tears there). It got me thinking a lot. Would I be able to cope with such loss? I fear the day when someone dear to me would be taken away but I must always remind myself that nothing in this world is eternal.
But that movie was definitely worth the money. And next to catch would be LEAP YEARS!! I want to watch that too!
Second Sunday burnt for OM (Odyssey of the Mind) yesterday and I'm already feeling burnt out on a Monday. But I must really thank Hamzah and Leang Kai for the invaluable help. The vehicle is progressing good (although still a lot more work to be done plus the drama) and it's very much due to your expertise. Wendy and I could just render our tiny helping hand to do some simple passing of tools or suggest some what-seem-like-a-brilliant-idea but not knowing exactly how to go about doing it. Thanks for all the time and hard work...... we can't repay you much but 10 cups of teh halia as promised.
PS: I LOVE YOU.. yes you
Saturday, February 23, 2008
@6:03 PM
The song that is ringing in my head now....Aisha! Where are my Jason Mraz cds??! I'm suddenly reminded of how fabulous an entertainer he is.
@4:40 PM
There is so much to update but somehow, I just haven't had the mood, what more the time to really sit down and blog. But let's turn time back today to the long CNY break. Two vios (or vioses?) made their way to Gunung Ledang Resort for a 3D2N stay.

It was a last minute choice of destination but still a nice change from the usual 'Melaka or KL' option. Although we set off as early as 6am, we only managed to reached our destination at noon and by then, the place was already infested with many locals who practically covered every space available with their mats and baskets of mee hoon goreng, nasi lemak and keropoks. It was really crowded I tell you.
Therefore, we decided to make the unescapable drive up to Melaka to pass the day. Mahkota Parade was our one-stop destination for Kenny Rogers, bowling and minimal shopping (and I really mean minimal here). We really had fun during the friendly match between the Roslan and Ridzuan company. Wak Wan really deserved the Star Player Award. By the way, Wak Wan is my father's elder brother. It was his first time playing the game yet he improved from being an LSP (Learning Support Player) to a gifted player. He was slamming the ball onto the floor and aiming for the longkang initially but was soon making his continuous strikes. We really had a good laugh.

Having to miss the waterfall on the first morning, we woke up early the next day for breakfast and started our hike up to the highest possible waterfall point. It was only about 900 feet high but it was definitely a good morning exercise. Everyone made the hike including Mak! The panting and huffing was all worth it when we managed to soak ourselves in the cool refreshing water. And the water was definitely purer and cleaner than down below.

The afternoon saw us gracing the CNY celebration by visiting abah's Chinese ex-colleague at Segamat (I think) and then to an ex- neighbour's house at Melaka. And the highlight of the day was definitely the short but satisfying stopover for durians!

We made another hike for the waterfall again the next morning before we set off for Sunny Singapore. But of course no trip would be complete without seafood. So we ended the trip with a good meal at Senibong. But so sad, there was no gong gong that day. But I was contented enough with the crabs and prawns.

PS: So Azi and Fadhil, on tak tengok PS I love You malam ni? Jangan bubble ah? Or else I'll end up eating the both of you up!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
@11:28 PM
All I can say is... this afternoon was very well spent because of 27 dresses. Definitely a must watch! And I'm all up to return for second viewing with anyone!
And thanks Raihan and Leha for the wonderful company. Perhaps I really can't layan your crazy antiques la Raihan... but somehow you and Leha just reminded me of Don and Drew from podcast!
So kalau nak tengok 27 dresses for the second time (third for Leha) or PS I love You, I wana follow ok!!!!
Yeah and this time, we'll especially take note of how blue Charming James Marden's eyes are
and we'll give a more accurate rating of how a biatch Malin Akerman was in the show.. seems like 8.3 out of 10 is still not accurate enough.
So I've just been maid of honour for 2 weddings... so I'll still have 25 dresses to go... ;p
Monday, February 04, 2008
@1:39 PM
A Beautiful Hadith Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) said: 'When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.
When after the burial, the people return home, 2 angels, Munkar and Nakeer(names of two special Angels), come in the grave and try to separate this handsome man so that they may be able to interrogate the dead man in privacy about his faith. But the handsome man says, 'He is my companion, he is my friend. I will not leave him alone in any case. If you are appointed for interrogation, do your job. I cannot leave him until I get him admitted into Paradise '.
Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will have no grief.
When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk. Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement, before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'
The one who disdains prayers (Salat) will receive Fifteen punishments from Allah.
Six punishments in this lifetime :Three while dying Three in the grave & Three on the Day of Judgment.
1. Allah takes away blessings from his age (makes his life misfortunate)
2. Allah does not accept his plea (Dua's)
3. Allah erases the features of good people from his face.
4. He will be detested by all creatures on earth.
5. Allah does not reward him for his good deeds. (No thawab)
6. He will not be included in the Dua's of good people.
1. He dies humiliated.
2. He dies hungry.
3. He dies thirsty. Even if he drinks the water of all seas he will still be thirsty.
1. Allah tightens his grave until his chest ribs come over each other.
2. Allah pours on him fire with embers.
3. Allah sets on him a snake called 'the brave', 'the bold' which hits him from morning until afternoon for leaving Fajr prayer, from the afternoon until Asr for leaving Dhuhr prayer and so on. With each strike he sinks 70 yards under the ground.
1. Allah sends who would accompany him to hell pulling him on the face.
2. Allah gives him an angry look that makes the flesh of his face fall down.
3. Allah judges him strictly and orders him to be thrown in hell.
FAJR : the glow of their face is taken away.
ZUHR : the blessing of their income is taken away.
ASR : the strength of their body is taken away.
MAGHRIB : they are not benefited by their children.
'ISHA : the peace of their sleep is taken away.
All I can say is... SERAMNYA HAMBA!!!
Saturday, February 02, 2008
@7:35 PM
I happen to chance upon this on an acquaintance's blog... and I found the essence of the article very interesting. So I've copied and pasted it here for my own reminder (hope you don't mind ya choosychoose?)
Lelaki bujang kena tanggung dosa sendiri apabila sudah baligh manakala dosa gadis bujang ditanggung oleh bapanya. Lelaki berkahwin kena tanggung dosa sendiri, dosa isteri, dosa anak perempuan yang belum berkahwin dan dosa anak lelaki yang belum baligh. BERATKAN?
Hukum menjelaskan anak lelaki kena bertanggung jawab ke atas ibunya dan sekiranya dia tidak menjalankan tanggung jawabnya maka dosa baginya terutama anak lelaki yang tua, manakala perempuan tidak, perempuan hanya perlu taat kepada suaminya. Isteri berbuat baik pahala dapat kepadanya kalau buat takbaik dosanya ditanggung oleh suaminya. BERATKAN??
Suami kena bagi nafkah pada isteri, ini wajib tapi isteri tidak. Walaupun begitu isteri boleh membantu. Haram bagi suami bertanya pendapatan isteri lebih-lebih lagi menggunakan pendapatan isteri tanpa izin ini. Banyak lagi lelaki lebih-lebih lagi yang bergelar suami perlu tanggung Kalau nak dibayangkan beratnya dosa-dosa yang ditanggungnya seperti gunung dengan semut. Itu sebabnya mengikut kajian nyawa orang perempuan lebih panjang daripada lelaki. Lelaki mati cepat kerana tak larat dengan beratnya dosa-dosa yang ditanggung (ikut kajian laa..)
Tetapi orang lelaki ada keistimewaannya yang dianugerah oleh Allah SWT. Ini orang lelaki kena tahu, kalau tak tahu kena jadi perempuan. Begitulah kira-kiranya.
Auratnya lebih susah dijaga berbanding lelaki. Perlu meminta izin dari suaminya apabila mahu keluar rumah tetapi tidak sebaliknya. Saksinya kurang berbanding lelaki. Menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki. Perlu menghadapi kesusahan mengandung dan melahirkan anak. Wajib taat kepada suaminya tetapi suami tak perlu taat pada isterinya. Talak terletak di tangan suami dan bukan isteri. Wanita kurang dalam beribadat kerana masalah haid dan nifas yang tak ada pada lelaki.Pernahkah kita lihat sebaliknya??
Benda yang mahal harganya akan dijaga dan dibelai serta disimpan di tempat yang tersorok dan selamat. Sudah pasti intan permata tidak akan dibiar bersepah-sepah bukan? Itulah bandingannya dengan seorang wanita. Wanita perlu taat kepada suami tetapi lelaki wajib taat kepada ibunya 3 kali lebih utama dari bapanya. Bukankah ibu adalah seorang wanita?
Wanita menerima pusaka kurang dari lelaki tetapi harta itu menjadi milik peribadinya dan tidak perlu diserahkan kepada suaminya, manakala lelaki menerima pusaka perlu menggunakan hartanya untuk menyara isteri dan anak-anak. Wanita perlu bersusah payah mengandung dan melahirkan anak, tetapi setiap saat dia didoakan oleh segala haiwan, malaikat dan seluruh makhluk ALLAH di mukabumi ini, dan matinya jika kerana melahirkan adalah syahid kecil. Manakala dosanya diampun ALLAH (dosa kecil).
Di akhirat kelak, seorang lelaki akan dipertanggungjawabkan terhadap 4 wanita ini: isterinya, ibunya, anak perempuannya dan saudara perempuannya. Manakala seorang wanita pula, tanggungjawab terhadapnya ditanggung oleh 4 org lelaki ini: suaminya, ayahnya, anak lelakinya dan saudara lelakinya.
Seorang wanita boleh memasuki pintu Syurga melalui mana-mana pintu Syurga yg disukainya cukup dengan 4 syarat sahaja: sembahyang 5 waktu, puasa di bulan Ramadhan, taat suaminya dan menjaga kehormatannya. Seorang lelaki perlu pergi berjihad fisabilillah tetapi wanita jika taat akan suaminya serta menunaikan tanggungjawabnya kepada ALLAH akan turut menerima pahala seperti pahala orang pergi berperang fisabilillah tanpa perlu mengangkat senjata.
MasyaALLAH...sayangnya ALLAH pada wanita ....Seorang wanita adalah pelengkap dan sememangnya istimewa di sisi seorang lelaki, tetapi ingatlah wahai lelaki...kamu sebenarnya adalah istimewa disisi Allah, maka dengan sebab itu DIA mengangkat kamu menjadi pemimpin...maka dengan keistimewaan itu, JAGALAH dan HARGAILAH wanita sebaik-baiknya...supaya kelak masing2 lelaki dan wanita dapat pulang mengadap Allah dalam keadaan istimewa disisiNYA..
"Berpeganglah kamu sekelian dengan tali Allah dan janganlah kamu berpecah-belah, dan ingatlah nikmat Allah atas kamu, seketika kamu bermusuh-musuhan telah dipersatukanNya hati kamu semuanya, sehingga dengan segera kamu telah menjadi bersaudara dengan sebab nikmatNya.(Ali-Imran:103) Pada hari itu (hari qiamat) manusia diberitahu akan segala yang telah dikerjakannya dan yang telah ditinggalkan. Bahkan manusia itu, anggotanya menjadi saksi terhadap dirinya sendiri, walaupun dia berperi-peri memberikan alasan untuk membela diri "
Friday, February 01, 2008
@9:03 PM
I can still recall much of last year's Playday and this year I surely had more fun. I was in charge of 5C's floorball team and I was cheering my lungs out for them; they are my Science students afterall and what more my handsome boy was the captain of the team! ;p
Raihan, can guess which one is my handsome boy?
Anyway I was already in semi-holiday mood since after school on Thursday, knowing that today there would be no teaching taking place. I was in high spirits and my 5C floorball team wasn't a letdown. Every match they played was adrenaline rushing and they really played their best. They scored their winning goals in every match and got into the finals. I knew they really wanted the top place. Second wasn't good enough.
Against a very tough opponent, 5C fought against 5G. Every goal and every second of the game- crucial. And I was cheering on for them with sweaty palms cos I was also wishing and hoping that they would win. At the final whistle, the score was 3-2. 5C LOST... and I could see the that sulk of disappoinment on everyone's face. And I was trying hard to cheer them up and giving a mini lecture on sportsmanship but the earlier smiles still couldn't be seen.
However in a twist of fate, 5C was annouced as champions for the floorball match. We were all taken by surprise. Yeah despite the losing the last match, we still had the highest number of points!! Nyehahah!
Yes it was their victory and I had to pay the price....... this teacher of theirs had to keep to her promise. You see, earlier on, when we took the group photo(see above), Mdm Amelia Chua suggested that I pose lying down in front of them and I refused. So I made a deal with the kids that I will only do so if they emerged champions. They kept reminding me of the promise after every winning match and I thought I was finally let off the rope after they lost the finaly match but it wasn't meant to be.
So being a (wo)man of my words, I just had to do what I was suppose to do...though I look like a lost fat mermaid there.
It was definitely THEIR day.