Monday, April 21, 2008
@1:42 PM
Yyeessssaaaa! I completed another marathon of Korean drama- My Girl. Very nice, touching enough and of course Lee Dong Wook looks very charming in the show.
Again I'm envying the flawless skins of the Korean girls..
Now I feel like heading down to the nearest dvd store and getting myself another set of Korean drama series. Hhmm but that's not going to be cheap and I'll end up glued to the DVD player with no other work done; just like how I spent the entire Sat and Sun on my bed shutting my ears to my parents' nagging (hehe) till 2.30am last night. Miraculously I don't feel that all tired today.
I'll update you if I get hold of anything new to my collection.

@1:41 PM

Saturday, April 19, 2008
@12:47 PM
It's been a week since the much anticipated OM competition. No prices for guessing but my silence would already tell the world that we didn't fair good enough... at least in the eyes of the judges. But definitely not to us. We got third. I don't think it's because we did not prepare enough, we don't agree that our performance wasn't entertaining enough. Luck just wasn't on our side on that day.
I don't want to comment much on the final winnings. We have already anticipated that most of the winnings would go to schools A and M. I just would want to believe that there is no biasness in the judging. I know most (MOST) of these winning teams were really really good and they definitely deserve to win.. Congrats.
That was my first OM experience and after last yesterday, I wouldn't mind taking it up again next year, if the school entrust me with the project again. We need to relinquish our positions in 2 of the long-term problems again. I definitely have learnt much and I really witnessed a lot of creativity on that day. Aand I hope if I am given the chance again, there would be more hand-holding by the experts in the school.
I'm just so glad I had a wonderful co coach (16 Fuchun claps for Miss Szeto!!!!) and a team of talented pupils (although they can be so playful at times.
Now it's all over... I've yet to clear up the mess we made of the OM store.
By the way, next year's question is already out. Sounds pretty interesting... very transformer like.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
@10:02 PM
I'm just back from a 3D2N camp for the P5s yesterday. This time, at MOE Adventure Camp at Jln Bahtera, Lim Chu Kang. Lucky me got to join in the P5 camp for two years already; last year as a committee member and this year as a P5 form teacher.
Attending the camp with the pupils made me miss my own days of camping and outdoor activities. The vendor this year was better than the previous and I really wished that I could join in the pupils doing all the activities. Playing in the mud (and I really mean playing in the mud and getting all dirty) and going through all the high elements and rope courses. I wished to be that carefree girl again, exploring my limits and fears. I miss attending OBS.
But it was fun enough for me to watch them having that much of fun. And I can't decline their plea to want me to join them in their campfire dance performance. I had my fun too! But one thing I realise, I don't have that kind of energy anymore. I AM GETTING OLD. The teachers planned to ton the night watching dvds and playing cards but I was one of the first to doze off. I get tired out too easily and even now I'm still feeling exhausted.
Got to wake up early this morning to go school for OM and spent the day in school. Sadly my vehicle is failing at this last minute; the pedals broke. But ok lah not too bad.. I still got a couple of days to fix it and get the team to perfect the props and their drama and to synchronise it with the vehicle performing the tasks. One more week for us to give it all out and pray for the best.
In the mean time, I still got to juggle my other work commitments. There's the exam paper to rectify and my pile of markings to clear...
I am tired... I am exhausted... I am burnt out................................................